Protect Sensitive Legal Information Through Secure Translations

September 20, 2024
Protect Sensitive Legal Information Through Secure Translations

Legal documents often cross borders, languages, and jurisdictions. Whether you're dealing with cross-border litigation, international contracts, or even complex arbitration, one thing remains constant: the absolute need for confidentiality and security when handling sensitive legal information. As someone who handles important legal documents, you understand the risks associated with data breaches and leaks. 

But how do you ensure that the translations of these documents are as secure as the originals?

In this article, we'll explore how Tomedes has protected sensitive legal information through secure translation, ensuring both accuracy and confidentiality for clients around the world. You'll discover the security measures we implement, how we handle sensitive legal projects, and why it matters to your business.

Why security in legal translations matters

If you’ve ever worked on legal documents, you know how crucial it is to maintain confidentiality. One minor slip-up and sensitive information can fall into the wrong hands, leading to legal disputes, financial losses, and, most importantly, a loss of trust from your clients. Imagine a scenario where a competitor gains access to a critical contract negotiation because of improper handling during translation. The damage could be irreversible.

That’s why legal translation professionals are essential in these high-stakes situations. Their expertise ensures that sensitive legal documents are handled with the utmost care and accuracy. This type of translation isn’t like your standard document translations. They involve legal terms, regulations, and agreements that carry significant weight in a court of law or in a business setting. These translation experts ensure that these documents are translated accurately and securely, protecting not only your business but also your clients' reputations.

Read more: Legal Translation Precision and Its Impact on Case Outcomes

How to protect your sensitive legal information

When handling legal document translations, it’s critical to follow best practices to ensure that your sensitive information is kept secure and confidential. Here are some of the most effective strategies for protecting legal documents throughout the translation process:

1. Data encryption for secure transfers

One of the biggest risks when handling sensitive documents is during their transfer between systems. To mitigate this risk, use end-to-end encryption for all document transfers. This ensures that your files are encrypted when they leave your system, remain encrypted in transit, and can only be decrypted by authorized personnel upon reaching their destination.

For example, when sending a confidential arbitration agreement, encryption protocols should ensure that the document is protected from unauthorized access, making it impossible for anyone outside the intended parties to intercept or view the contents.

2. Controlled access to sensitive documents

Not everyone involved in the translation process needs access to your legal documents. It's crucial to implement controlled access to ensure that only those directly involved, such as translators and project managers, can view and work on your files. This greatly reduces the risk of unauthorized personnel accessing confidential information.

For instance, when translating a multinational merger contract, only the assigned translator and legal experts should be granted access to the document. Controlled access policies can significantly reduce the chances of sensitive details being leaked.

Read more: Integrating Legal Translation into International Contract Workflow

3. Non-disclosure agreements (NDAs)

All professionals working on legal translations should sign Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs) before starting a project. These agreements legally bind translators and staff to maintain confidentiality, ensuring that they cannot share, discuss, or misuse any part of your document outside of the translation process.

NDAs are especially vital for high-profile cases such as litigation or intellectual property disputes. By requiring signed NDAs, you create an additional layer of legal protection, safeguarding your sensitive documents from intentional or accidental leaks.

4. Using a secure translation management system (TMS)

A Translation Management System (TMS) specifically designed with security in mind is essential for managing large translation projects. A TMS ensures that your files are securely stored, tracked, and accessed only by authorized individuals throughout the translation process. It also provides an audit trail for full transparency, logging all actions taken on a document.

For instance, when translating multilingual court filings, the TMS can log every update and comment, so you know exactly who accessed the document and when. This accountability helps ensure that sensitive information remains secure and properly managed.

5. Compliance with international security standards

In legal translations, compliance with international security standards is critical. You should ensure that your translation provider adheres to relevant standards such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) for European clients or other applicable regulations depending on the region. Compliance with these standards protects you from potential data protection violations and ensures that your sensitive documents are handled legally and securely.

For example, if you’re managing litigation documents for a client based in the EU, your processes should be fully compliant with GDPR to guarantee that the data is protected according to European legal standards.

Read more: Journey to Global Compliance: Insights from Tomedes' CEO

Success stories: How Tomedes ensures data security in their legal projects

With nearly two decades of experience in translating legal documents for law firms, Tomedes has implemented robust security measures to protect sensitive information throughout the translation process. Below are a few case studies that highlight how Tomedes' expertise in securing legal translations has contributed to favorable outcomes for their clients:

Securing German legal document translations for immigration

For this project, Tomedes translated German legal documents for an immigration case. The project required the utmost attention to data security due to the sensitive nature of the documents, which included legal contracts and other personal information relevant to the client's immigration process. 

Tomedes ensured data security by using end-to-end encryption during the transfer of documents, limiting access to authorized personnel, and requiring translators to sign Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs) to safeguard confidentiality. Additionally, the translation team, which specialized in German legal terminology, worked efficiently to maintain both the accuracy and security of the sensitive documents throughout the process.

Protecting sensitive legal translations for Romanian market entry

In this case study, Tomedes completed a translation project that involved translating legal documents, including Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs), for a client entering the Romanian market. The project required meticulous attention to security, given the sensitive nature of the documents. 

Tomedes ensured the confidentiality and integrity of the legal documents by implementing end-to-end encryption for all file transfers, restricting access to only authorized personnel, and requiring translators to sign NDAs before handling the documents. These security protocols guarantee that the sensitive information remains protected throughout the translation process. Additionally, Tomedes leveraged its network of professional legal translators with expertise in Romanian legal terminology to ensure both accuracy and security.

How AI enhances security and efficiency in legal translations

AI-powered tools and machine translation (MT) in legal translations are increasingly common due to their speed and efficiency. However, these tools must be used cautiously to protect sensitive data. 

AI can quickly generate drafts of routine legal forms or filings. But it often struggles with complex legal language, making human oversight essential for accuracy. A major concern with AI tools is that many are cloud-based, which means data may be stored on external servers. 

This raises issues of data security and control since cloud services can expose sensitive information to unauthorized access or cyberattacks. For instance, storing litigation documents on a public cloud without strong security protocols could lead to breaches, putting confidential client information at risk.

Additionally, cloud-based services often store data in different countries, leading to data sovereignty challenges. Each country has its own data protection laws, such as GDPR in the European Union, which imposes strict regulations on how personal data is handled. Understanding where your data is stored and ensuring that AI tools offer data residency guarantees is crucial to maintaining compliance with relevant laws.

To mitigate risks, AI tools should provide end-to-end encryption and role-based access controls, ensuring that only authorized personnel can access sensitive documents. These security features, coupled with human review, create a balance between the efficiency of AI and the confidentiality required in legal translation workflows.

Read more: Reimagining Human Expertise in Legal AI Translation


In the fast-paced, high-stakes world of legal translations, security is non-negotiable. Tomedes has the expertise, technology, and commitment to ensure that your sensitive legal information is protected every step of the way. By leveraging encryption, controlled access, NDAs, and secure translation management systems, we’ve built a reputation as a trusted partner in legal translations.

When you need secure, accurate translations that protect your most confidential information, Tomedes is the name you can rely on. Let us help you navigate the complexities of translating legal documents with confidence, knowing that your data is in safe hands.

By Clarriza Heruela

Clarriza Mae Heruela graduated from the University of the Philippines Mindanao with a Bachelor of Arts degree in English, majoring in Creative Writing. Her experience from growing up in a multilingually diverse household has influenced her career and writing style. She is still exploring her writing path and is always on the lookout for interesting topics that pique her interest.



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