The MT Comparison Tool on Share Your Journey with the Future of Translation

April 20, 2023
The MT Comparison Tool on Share Your Journey with the Future of Translation

Greetings, language aficionados! We introduced a game-changing machine translation comparison tool to the world not so long ago, and now we’re eager to hear about your experiences with it. As part of the Tomedes family, your feedback is invaluable to us, so we would love to know how our innovative platform has impacted your translation adventures.

So, whether you’ve had a smooth ride or encountered a few bumps along the way, we’re all ears! Share your thoughts on the following aspects of your machine translation comparison tool experience:

  • The Selection Process
    How has the tool’s ability to recommend the best machine translation engine for specific language pairs influenced your decision-making? Have you discovered any surprising engine preferences or language pair champions?

  • AI-Powered Analysis
    What are your thoughts on the strengths and weaknesses analysis of each MT engine translation output? Has this feature helped you identify better translation options or improved your understanding of the engines’ capabilities?

  • User Experience
    We’re all about making your life easier, so we’re eager to know how you’ve found the platform’s user-friendly interface. Have you encountered any challenges in accessing or navigating the site? Are there any features you think we should add or improve?

  • The Overall Impact
    Finally, we’d love to hear how our machine translation comparison tool has affected your overall translation process. Has the platform saved you time, improved the quality of your translations, or helped you in any other way? Share your stories with us, and let’s celebrate our collective journey toward better translation experiences!

We’re excited to read your feedback and learn from your experiences. Your insights will help us shape the future of our machine translation comparison tool, ensuring that we continue to provide the best possible tool for the translation community. So, don't be shy—drop a comment below, send us an email, or reach out on social media. Together, we'll continue to revolutionize the translation industry!

By Natalie Worden

Natalie Worden is a freelance translator, copywriter, and localization specialist. She holds a master’s degree in professional and literary translation from the Institut de Traducteurs, d'Interprètes et de Relations Internationales at the University of Strasbourg.



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