How to increase your client base without doing any marketing

December 21, 2015
How to increase your client base without doing any marketing

Many people will tell you that if you want more clients, you need to go out and sell your services through marketing activities. However, while it is true that marketing can increase your client base, it is not the only way of doing so. Here we look at three ways you can get more clients without doing any marketing at all. 

Make some friends

Befriending fellow translators can be a great way to increase your client base. Every translator has times when they have too much work on, so why not be there in the background ready to help out your fellow freelancers in those situations? You could also cover for them when they take leave or if they are poorly. 

Make the arrangement reciprocal and you might even find your own holidays are easier to take without having to do quite as much juggling of urgent client work. 

Get online

The internet is packed full of resources that can enable you to pick up clients without doing any marketing. Job sites like UpWork list translation jobs daily. Once you have set up a profile and established your expertise, you can sit back and wait for the clients to come to you – or you can scroll the job boards and apply for the work that takes your fancy. 

Use social media 

Twitter isn’t just for catching up on the latest gossip from your favourite celebrities. Use the right hashtags and a whole new avenue of #translationjobs will suddenly open up to you. Make sure you are the first person to respond to a request for assistance with translation and you could quickly and easily pick up new clients to add to your existing client base. 

Final thoughts

Do you always use marketing to pick up new clients? If not, what are your tips for increasing your client base without doing any marketing? Share your thoughts via the comments. 

By Ofer Tirosh

Ofer Tirosh is the founder and CEO of Tomedes, a language technology and translation company that supports business growth through a range of innovative localization strategies. He has been helping companies reach their global goals since 2007.



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