McDonalds Demands Their Own Word In Aussie Dictionary

December 18, 2012

By Ofer Tirosh


McDonalds isn’t just an American favorite. The fast food chain is a popular hot spot around the world, including in Australia. So popular, in fact, they are demanding their own placement in the Australian national Macquarie Dictionary. 

So, what gives? Well, about 55% of Aussie’s don’t refer to McDonalds as McDonalds. They have their own slang word for the restaurant, which is “Macca’s”. The fast food chain’s slang name was the second most popular slang word used in Australia, coming in just after “footy” which is a shortened version of “football”. 

Mark Lollback, the Australian chief marketing officer of McDonalds recently said, "The research findings have shown that Macca's is Australia's favourite brand nickname and that half of the population use the iconic Australianism. We think it's time that Macquarie Dictionary Publishers added our moniker to their dictionary of Australian English.”

To date, Australia is the only country in the world to use the slang term “Macca’s” for the popular fast food chain.  As such, McDonalds has formally submitted their slang term for consideration to the Macquarie Dictionary in their 2012 edition.  The Dictionary comes out with annual updates and accepts new word submissions for inclusion yearly. I’m lovin’ it! 

For more information on the Macquarie Dictionary, check out their official website,



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