ICTG 2021

Sydney, Australia, | 2021-08-30 - 2021-08-31

What is ICTG?

The International Conference on Translational Genomic focuses on assembling the leading experts, scholars, and researchers in Translational Genomic. This event will present the newest trends and innovations in the above-stated field. It will also discuss issues and challenges within the industry observed and documented by the selected research speakers.    

This two-day conference will take place at the “Land down under”—Sydney, Australia. It will showcase 14 blindly selected research papers from different parts of the world. 

What Can Attendees Expect?  

The conference will present the 14 articles that were selected by three qualified reviewers based on Impact Factor (IF) indicators generated by index database programs like Google Scholar, Semantic Scholar, BASE, OpenAIRE, etc. These programs look into how often an article from a published journal is referenced, which affects its rank and relative importance.   

The event will discuss topics regarding Translational Genomics. The articles presented will be about genetics, genomics, nanotechnology, biotechnology, ethical, legal, and social issues related to Translational Genomics.

This two-day program will be helpful to anyone studying and working in the field of medicine, the Pharmaceutical industry, Biotechnology, Agrigenomics, RNA and DNA research, etc. Organizations and companies in these specialized fields are more than welcome to join and exchange ideas about Translational Genomics.

Venue Information 

This two-day conference will be on a digital platform, and you can book the e-proceedings online. After you have registered as a participant, you will have access to the e-conference and digital materials by visiting their profile pages.

First Day Of The Conference

The conference will begin on August 30, 2021, at 12 P.M. local London time. Delegates of the virtual event will be required to register 10 minutes before it starts.

Second Day Of The Conference

On August 31, 2021, the delegates will have access to all digital materials, such as an e-book containing abstracts and papers presented within this conference and a certificate of participation.


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