Translation Commons: UNESCO International Year of Indigenous Languages

California, USA, | 2019-10-17 - 2019-10-17

Indigenous languages are one of the most important things today worthy of preserving. For every country it should be treated as a national treasure, we, as a species, are so dependent to our languages that we should honor these languages as a work of art. In every word there is a piece of our history ingrained there. So it is for the collective benefit of our society to preserve these languages.

The International Multilingual User Group (IMUG) will be hosting this event entitled “Translation Commons: UNESCO International Year of Indigenous Languages”. The event will be held on 17th of October 2019 at California USA. Registrations and reservations for this event are already open. IMUG was founded in Stanford University back in 1987 and is an international forum for professionals in the language technology industry.

The full details of the event is not out yet, but if you would like to know more, stay tuned for more updates. You can also visit the website below for more information.


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