tcworld China 2020

Shanghai, China, | 2020-05-21 - 2020-05-22

*This conference has been postponed in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. Kindly proceed to the conference's main website and stay tuned for more updates*

What is tcworld?

Based in Stuttgart, Germany, tcworld is a global services company that provides technical communication solutions to companies of all industries. It also routinely organizes technical communication conferences held in cities around the world. In fact, tcworld conferences are one of the most anticipated events for anyone working in the technical communication field. 

tcworld China in particular is one of the most influential industry conferences in all of China, gathering technical communication specialists, language professionals, and industry leaders and representatives from all over the country.  

What Can Attendees Expect?

As a premiere event on technical communication, attendees have the chance to get to know industry leaders from China and from global companies. They will discuss the latest developments in technical communication, including their experiences and solutions for technical communication challenges relevant to China’s industries. 

Attendees will also have the chance to engage in open dialogue with fellow language professionals to discuss issues and craft solutions relevant to the technical communication field.  Lastly, attendees can enrich their conference experience through hands-on workshops and tool presentations  

Official topics
- Intelligent information
- Globalization / Localization / Terminology
- Information Development / Technical Writing
Software Documentation / Developer Documentation
Content Experience / User Assistance
Content Strategy / Content Marketing
Content Management / Content Delivery
Laws, Regulations and Standards
Career Development
TC Education

Venue Information & Complete Address

Their website has not provided any information yet on the exact venue. But as with previous tcworld China conferences, the upcoming 2020 conference will still be held in Shanghai, China. 

For more information about the event, registration process, and event fees, click here;

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