TAUS Global Content Summit

London, England, United Kingdom, | 2019-05-15 - 2019-05-15

TAUS (the language data network) is a self-standing nonpartisan industry organization that aids all those involved in the translation industry by building networks. They also foster events and provide relevant data for translation companies to utilize to further the industry in general.

One of their main services is developing platforms and tools to churn out data and metrics for their members to effectively utilize, thus creating a more coherent and systematic approach to assess the quality of the translations that are being processed.

TAUS, was known to champion machine translation as a relevant tool in the translation industry, creates a juxtaposition of views, merging the two main resources on today's translation industry, human translation and machine translation. They will be conducting a talk with some of the CEO's in the field on how they utilize machine translation in their businesses.

The one day event will be taking place in London, which is quite poetic given brexit. Nonetheless, this is one of the most significant events this year on the utilization of machine translation and the language industry at large. What has been described here is only the tip of the iceberg, for those involved in the language industry this will be definitely worth your time.

For more information please see website below.


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