New England Translation Association (NETA) 21st Annual NETA Conference

Boston, MA, USA, USA, | 2017-05-06 - 2017-05-06

The next annual NETA conference will be held on Saturday, May 6, 2017. We are once again holding the conference in collaboration with and at UMass Boston. The all-day event will be held in the same place as 2016: UMass Boston’s Campus Center, a contemporary building with wonderful natural light and views of the harbor. The university is easily accessible by car and public transportation, and you won’t pay city parking prices.

Whether you are a regular NETA conference attendee, a new member or a nonmember looking to find out more about NETA, this is the place to be in May! There is no need to reside in New England; we welcome attendees, exhibitors and sponsors from around the world. Most presentations will be language-neutral, and we guarantee that you’ll learn something new.

2017 Conference Theme: Translating and Interpreting as Access: What We Provide Matters

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