LTC 2019

Poznań, Poland, | 2019-05-17 - 2019-05-19

The Adam Mickiewicz University, one of the leading institutions of higher learning in Poland now with 100 years of heritage, hosts this year's Language and Technology Conference. Organized by the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science launches the 9th LTC this May supported by organizations like ELRA (European Language Resource Association) and FLaReNet (Fostering Language Resources Network).

The conference started back in 1995 with a mandate from the European Commission, which was known that time as Language and Technology Awareness Days. Since 2005, the biennial event was named LTC (Language and Technology Conference). The event is focused on Human Language Technologies as a Challenge for Computer Science and Linguistics.

Call for papers and demonstrations on systems and language resources. All are encouraged to present demonstrations of products and tools for research and business intents.

Based on the conference's website they are looking for demos in:

-Application-scale language engineering tools

-Applications for production, conservation and maintenance of HLT language resources

-Language resources

-Language technology based products.

For more information please see website below.


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