Networking 6:30 - 7 PM, and after the talk as time allows.
Webcast: RSVP, then contact IMUG via Meetup for access.
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About this talk:
Localization planning follows a well-worn path: You adapt websites, products, and services for the locales with the highest GDP and return on investment, then work your way down the economic ladder with the development funds that remain. That approach pleases well-heeled users today, but leave many others on the outside looking in. As smartphones, smarter feature phones, and devices driven by and connected to the Internet of Things (IoT), that calculus will change. These innovations will place more communications, connectivity, and computing power in the hands of a much broader, more economically diverse population around the world. With that ubiquity will come rapidly increasing demand for localized products and services that meet the needs and expectations of people speaking hundreds of languages. As they support these new users, companies will have to make fundamental changes in core product development and localization practices.
CSA Research founder Don DePalma will outline the essential and growing role of language in the user experience for current, new, and yet-to-appear devices for the next billion or two users. He share data describing how it will result in changing demand for language services and technology. In turn, he will outline the impact of evolving and revolutionary UX models on language service and technology providers. Learn what you need to do to keep pace with the next wave of globalization demand from markets your organization is not currently serving.
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