GALA 2022: San Diego

San Diego, CA, United States, | 2022-04-30 - 2022-04-30

About GALA 2022

GALA conferences are an annual collaboration of motivation, learning, and networking with professionals in every industry and from all over the world. It’s the opportunity to connect with language professionals from across the globe that represent many specialty markets. This inspiring event will expand your mind and your network and give you keen insight into the growing language industry.

Why Should I attend?

GALA welcomes all professionals from the language industry and offers an interactive platform to deliver outstanding education and stellar networking. Peer-to-peer learning immerses attendees in deep conversations about the expanding translation industry and presents key strategies to ride the wave of the ever-changing markets.

At GALA 2022, presenters will examine the language industry post-pandemic, and explain how this market has changed for the better because of it. Some of the topics include wellness-first workplaces, data-driven language businesses, digitally-enabled productivity gains, resilience-focused growth strategies, and a complicated yet diverse resource chain.

GALA conferences bring you the industry’s most experienced experts and thought leaders for collaborative dialogues about the best trends and challenges. You’ll leave the conference inspired and equipped to handle any challenges in your business.

You can expect to increase your knowledge, build your network, and be motivated to take the next steps to change your business. GALA will help you create new opportunities for engaging conversations, collaboration, and getting back to business the way it used to be. From outstanding presenters to networking breakout sessions, you’ll leave feeling motivated about the industry.

What type of presentations can you expect? “Ai And Machine Interpreting, The End Of Human Interpreting?” with Kim Ludvigsen (Interprefy) & Annett Polaszewski Plath discusses Machine Interpreting and how the language industry is changing the translation landscape.

“Data-Driven Marketing Localization: Global Strategies For Local Success” with Microsoft’s Soren Eberhardt examines key components of localization for success in translation. Other speakers include Shelly Orr Priebe (i3 Coaching), Lewis Taylor, Conor Power (Interpreter Intelligence), Peter Van Den Steene (Presence) & Naomi Bowman (DS-Interpretation). For a full list of speakers and event schedules, download the PDF here.

No matter what industry you work in, you’ll find interesting content that addresses trends and challenges in every lecture. Breakout sessions for networking will occur on all four days, and you can visit the displays and demonstrations. This event offers both on-site and virtual choices to attend, so register now!

Event Information

Date: April 24-27, 2022

Location: Manchester Grand Hyatt, 1 Market Place, 92101 - San Diego, CA.

GALA is also available virtually and you can register here.

For times and a complete schedule go here.

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