Rome, Italy, | 2021-08-23 - 2021-08-24

What is ICCLTS?

The International Conference on Corpus Linguistics and Translation Studies (ICCLTS) is an event dedicated to bringing the lead researchers and academic scholars in the field of Corpus Linguistics and Translation Studies. This conference will present the latest challenges and innovations related to the topics above.

This two-day conference will take place in Rome, Italy, where it will showcase blindly selected research papers from different parts of the globe.

What Can Attendees Expect?  

Three highly qualified reviewers selected the papers that will be lectured within this conference based on Impact Factors (IF) indicators. The IF indicators are based on the results of the index database programs, such as Google Scholars, World CAT, Open Science Index, etc. Index database programs determine how frequently an article from a published journal has been cited and referenced, affecting its rank and relative importance.

This program will feature papers focusing on topics like psycholinguistic and cognitive, contrastive studies and translation, corpus linguistics and methodology, etc. This event will also showcase different theories, linguistic frameworks, and methods that have practical applications.

The event will be vital to practitioners, researchers, and academic scholars of Linguistics and Translation studies. Also, this conference will be advantageous to institutions and companies that are part of the above-stated field. 

Venue Information 

This conference will be held through a digital platform in which you can book e-proceedings online. After you have registered for this event, you will be able to have access to the e-conference and other digital materials, such as certificates, through their profile pages.

We advise you to book your tickets in advance so you can avail of the early registration fee discounts.

First Day Of The Conference

The conference will begin on August 23, 2021, at 12 P.M. local London time. All delegates are required to register 10 minutes before the program starts.

Second Day Of The Conference

On August 24, 2021, this digital event will be handing out an e-book that contains all relevant information like abstracts and featured research papers for reference. 


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