What Is It About?
The TBLT organizing committee, under the auspices of the International Association for Task-Based Language Teaching (IATBLT), is looking forward to welcoming you to this conference.
This annual conference will bring together scholars and educators from around the world who are interested in discussing both established and innovative approaches to TBLT.
Inspired in part by the lovely surrounding mountains, this meeting of the minds will encourage participants to both strengthen their understanding of the solid grounds of TBLT and to reach for new summits by ‘Widening the horizon of Task-Based Language Teaching’.
Therefore, this conference will not only focus on established TBLT approaches in foreign language classrooms, but also on the transfer of TBLT to other educational contexts like science education.
Furthermore, task-based assessment and its implication for the language testing community will also be addressed.
What Can You Expect?
Plenary speakers for this conference will include a host of recognizable names from the language education field.
Martin will present a discussion on how over the last 40 years, TBLT has stimulated increasing interest from a wide range of stakeholders in language teaching and learning endeavors.
Marjie will go over how during the preceding decades, a task-based approach to language teaching and learning has inspired many scholars and practitioners in second language (L2) pedagogy worldwide, providing adults, youngsters and children with hands-on, authentic classroom activities for a large variety of target and source languages.
Jörg will lead an interesting discussion on Processability Theory, a psycholinguistic theory designed by Manfred Pienemann to explain and predict the developmental path of spontaneous oral speech production in second language acquisition.
This is only the beginning though, because this year's Task-Based Learning and Teaching Conference will have many more engaging speakers and enriching workshops.
9th Annual Conference on Task-Based Language Teaching
29-31 August 2022
Innsbruck, Austria
Registration: https://www.uibk.ac.at/ifd/9th-international-conference-on-task-based-language-teaching/
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