August 25, 2010

By Ofer Tirosh

Free Attendance to the Largest Gathering of Freelance Translators

On September 30th, the ProZ Translators Web Conference will air worldwide, open to all freelance translators, professional translator services and language professionals. It is the largest gathering of translators to occur each year, and many who have previously attended have found it to be quite useful and eye-opening. Attendance is free to all, and the number of registered attending translators and professionals within language translation service is over 2600 as of now. To register for the 2010 Virtual Conference, go here:

Last year, over 6,000 translators and language professionals attended the virtual conference. It's a great way to celebrate International Translation Day, and also receive insights, feedback, advice, and new ideas as a freelance translator. Part of the virtual translation conference will include live webcasts, interaction and live chat with professional translator peers and conference presenters. The Virtual Conference for Translators will begin at 10am GMT and last through 10pm GMT.

The conference will last 12 hours, and have scheduled times for things like discussion panels, presentation translation and sessions throughout the day. Other features such as live chat, exhibit booths and networking will be available for the full 12 hour period. However, if you miss a panel or a session, many of them will also be available on demand.

One of the scheduled discussion panel topics will be translation rates and costs. This is a common concern and area of questioning for many translators, and information about translation service rates can be very useful, especially if your clients are primarily from other parts of the world.

As a reminder, the 7th International Conference in Prague will be held on Oct. 2 & 3 2010. Registration for the reality conference is also still being accepted for attendance as well, and both the virtual and the reality conferences offer unparalleled opportunities to make contacts within the professional translation service industry.

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