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Accurate Tamil translation from Tomedes

A recent client had written a website in Tamil and wanted to convert it to US English.

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Tamil to US English website translation

October 14, 2018

Tamil is an official language in India, Sri Lanka and Singapore, as well as being spoken in parts of Malaysia, Mauritius, Réunion and Vietnam. It has more than 52 million speakers and is considered a classical language by the Indian government. 

Tomedes maintains a bank of Tamil translators, so that we are ready to spring into action when a Tamil translation request pops up, which is precisely what happened last week. 

Our client had written a website in Tamil and wanted to convert it to US English. For all of our translations, we try to use translators who are native speakers of the target language (as we’ve found that to be a good policy for obtaining high quality translations). For this project, that meant turning to one of our Tamil speakers in Central New Jersey, on the eastern coast of the USA. 

The translator was available to start work right away, so lost no time in getting on with the client’s website translation. The client had opted to use our express translation service, so time was of the essence! Our experienced website translator worked methodically through the site, delivering it page by page to the client (we can deliver website content as a single translation or piece by piece, as was requested in this case). 

The steady flow of accurate translations was precisely what the client was looking for – he was delighted with the Tomedes service. He was also pleased to have found such a rapid and high quality service for such a reasonable translation price

Tomedes is happy to work flexibly in this way to meet our clients’ needs. Howsoever you would like your project delivered, from plain text to typeset brochures, we are here to help. Simply let our helpful team know what you require and we’ll make it happen! 

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