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Japanese Medical Translation

Tomedes provides Japanese to English medical translation and vice versa for a range of official and personal needs such as patient surveys, case reports, and medical journals. Our native translators have the language and industry experience required to deliver accurate and reliable Japanese medical translations. Please find below examples of the projects we have worked on over the years.

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Japanese to English Medical Paperwork Translation

April 08, 2018

This page was last updated on December 15, 2022.

Moving from one country to another can involve a great deal of paperwork. Where health issues are a factor, the documentation requirement is often even greater. And where the two countries use different languages, the process is still more complicated. Thankfully, Tomedes is available to help iron out the crinkles, by providing outstanding professional translation services

A recent example saw a client move from Japan to the US. She had a health condition that, while entirely manageable, necessitated her preparing to present a number of documents to the American authorities to make her transition smoother. As such, she used the instant quote function on the Tomedes website before contacting us through the site’s live chat service. A short while later, she was sitting back and relaxing while our expert Japanese translators got to work. 

Accuracy Guaranteed

Accurate translation is the cornerstone of our business, no matter what the languages or subject matters that we are working with. As such, we always seek to use native speakers of the translation’s target language, in order to obtain the best results. In this case, we used one of our London-based Japanese medical translation experts to undertake the work. 

Our Japanese translator worked carefully through the Japanese medical documents, translating each one in turn with diligence and accuracy. His medical translation expertise meant that he was well placed to deal with the technical language, which posed no problem to him as an experienced professional. 

The client was delighted to find that the translation process was so easy and so cost-effective. She was able to focus on the other areas of her move overseas, without fretting about the translation. 

Stress-Free Translation of Japanese Medical Documents

If you would like to take advantage of stress-free translation services, it’s time to speak to Tomedes. Our friendly, professional translation team works around the clock, so we’re ready and waiting to talk about your translation needs. 



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