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Language translation in many languages was provided for a gaming website
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While most forms of online gambling are not permitted in the U.S., in many parts of the world and especially throughout Asia, online gambling, also referred to as gaming - is huge. Because gambling online is nearly a universal hobby, it requires language translation for many languages, in order for players of all languages to be able to participate and enjoy the website. For this we provide not only gaming translation for some of the terms specific to online gambling, but website translation as well, which requires a different set of tasks. Gambling translation is for the actual content, while website translation includes keyword content and often back end html. In other words, website translation requires translating both for site users as well as for search engines.
A client recently requested gaming website translation for many languages. Some of these included English to Thai translation, English to Malay, English to Indonesian, English to Chinese, and English to Japanese translation, to name just a few. The document translation of the website text was in chart format, which was broken up into segments of text that referred to various games and website pages. Additionally, there was a long set of terms and phrases for autogenerated content.
This information applies to anyone operating a gaming website. In order to reach the widest audience and procure the most online activity, professional translation in the most relevant languages provides maximum exposure and accessibility.
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