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Website Localization Services by our Professional Translators

Tomedes was recently asked to undertake the translation of a website from English to Russian for a new client.

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English to Russian Website Translation

May 08, 2014

Tomedes was recently asked to undertake the translation of a website from English to Russian for a new client. We chatted with the client via email to fully establish his needs and then provided a competitive quote for our translation service. 

The client was impressed with the efficient speed with which we responded to his emails and with our extremely good price, so set us to work on the job immediately. We consulted our database of over 5,000 professional translators and decided to use one of our leading translators in the Russian city of Tula. Her career experience included time working in a jewellery store and, as the client’s website was for a bespoke necklace design business, we knew she would be the perfect translator for the job

As the client had a short deadline – he wanted the website fully translated within just week – there was no time to lose. Our translator worked closely with our professional proofreading team, so that each page of the site could be proofread as soon as the translation had been completed, rather than waiting and proofreading the whole site at the end. This ensured that we met the client’s urgent deadline while maintaining our usual exceptionally high standard of service. Needless to say, the client was thrilled. 


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