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Chinese Email Translation

Tomedes translates email to and from Chinese for various needs such as marketing campaign emails, technical support emails, and email newsletters. Our expert translators have the language and industry experience required to deliver accurate and reliable Chinese email translations. Please find below examples of the projects we have worked on over the years.

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English to Chinese Business Email Translation

January 13, 2014

Last Updated on December 14, 2022

Tomedes is often asked to translate business letters and emails from English to Chinese. Recently a long-term client asked us to translate a business email for her, from English into both traditional Chinese and simplified Chinese. 

Professional Chinese Email Translator For Business Clients

We scanned through our bank of professional Chinese translators and selected two of our leading members with business backgrounds. This ensured that they had the relevant sector knowledge to provide first-class translations, as well as the linguistic skills. Based in Macau and Wuhu, they both set to work at once, so that we could provide the client with both the traditional Chinese and the simplified Chinese versions in half the time it would have taken for just one translator to complete the job.

With the business email translated, our proofreading team carried out their usual quality checks. The translations were then handed over to the client, who was appreciative of the fast turnaround time in which the work had been completed.

Guaranteed High-Quality Translations At Low Cost


The client thanked Tomedes for having provided such a good value translation service. It is this combination of high quality translations and low costs that have caused her to return to us time and again for all of her business document translation needs. 


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