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The client wished to have some complex instructions translated into Hebrew, which detailed the construction of a multi-story car park due to be built.
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When working with precise figures and concepts, it's absolutely crucial that your publication team is well-equipped and experienced to deal with the documents. When it comes to translating the completed technical document, just as much care is required.
A short while ago, a client representing a major construction firm based in New York contacted us. The client wished to have some complex instructions translated into Hebrew, which detailed the construction of a multi-story car park due to be built. The instructions contained a long list of precise measurements and fine details that, if translated incorrectly, could result in major problems on the construction site! Needless to say, providing an accurate translation was paramount. The client was happy to approve the translation, as he had positive experience of working with us in the past. He also appreciated the value for money that our translation agency provides.
One of our best Hebrew translators was assigned the task, and they worked on the complex engineering translation with meticulous attention to detail and accuracy. The translator had worked with this particular client in the past, which ensured he was familiar with construction-industry translations and the necessity for accuracy.
When the translator had completed the task, he returned it to the client before the mutually-agreed deadline. The client was pleased with the speed and accuracy of the finished product, and sent it over to his team so that they could start the construction work soon. We're happy to have helped play a part in the construction of our client's car park, and we wish him well with its construction.
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