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Tomedes translates manuals to and from German such as product manuals, operation manuals, and training manuals. Our expert translators have the language and industry experience required to deliver accurate and reliable German manual translations. Please find below examples of the projects we have worked on over the years.
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Instruction manuals for products are absolutely vital to translate accurately. Depending on the complexity of the product, having accurate instructions can make all the difference between safely operating it or putting the user in danger. At Tomedes, we have access to a pool of professional translators who specialize in instruction manual translation, and ensure that complex and important information about a product is accurately conveyed.
An example of how important it is to get instruction manual translation right is found in a German translation we recently completed: our client produces a complex, portable water filtering system, designed for hikers, mountain bikers and anyone else who spends considerable time in the wilderness. The product purifies water from streams and lakes, so that if someone runs out of water whilst outdoors, they can use the water filtering product to replenish their reservoir. Needless to say, the instructions for such a product were extremely important to translate accurately — if they contained an error, people could end up drinking contaminated water instead!
We assigned one of our best German manual translators to the task, and they were able to use their native-speaking ability and general technical expertise to accurately translate the English source text into German. Each step in the instruction manual that detailed how to safely operate the product was accurately translated, and our client was delighted with the result. We look forward to working with this client again on further instruction manual translations.
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