Ukrainian Translation Services

Ukrainian translation services for any document medium and type. Translate and certify your documents to and from Ukrainian or 120 more languages. Our team of native Ukrainian translators have translated thousands of documents whether for official or professional use.

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  • 95,000 Business Customers

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English To Ukrainian Translation Services With Seal Of Certified Translation

Let us broaden your horizons with our English to Ukrainian translation services that offer our 1-year guarantee for any revisions at no extra cost. We are much more than translations because we specialize in conveying your brand’s meaning to a global audience.

Our 24/7 customer service means we are always available throughout the translation process. With our same-day delivery of real-time translations, your project comes to market on time and within budget.


Ukrainian Translation Rates

The displayed prices are for English to Ukrainian translations only. The current translation rates from Ukrainian-to-English sit at $0.1 per word for standard service and $0.12 per word for fast delivery.

All listed rates pertain to Ukrainian human translation for 2024. Speak with one of our representatives to explore other language services and pricing options.

Best Price

$0.10 / word
*price may vary

✓ Most Budget-Friendly
✓ Swift Turnaround
✓ Quality Assured

Fast Delivery

$0.12 / word
*price may vary

✓ Urgent Translations
✓ Lightning-Fast Delivery
✓ Accelerated Quality

English To Ukrainian Translation Services

For our English to Ukrainian translation services, our entire team of language experts carefully reviews your documents for flawless translations every time.  While we hire only the most experienced translators, you’ll have over 20,000 professional language vendors overseeing your project.

We understand when our Ukrainian business partners require specific legal Ukrainian document translations in both languages, and we meet the demand with our tech-driven platform featuring our ISO 18587:2017 certification. Your documents are certain to be error-free and of superior quality and we guarantee it.

We back up our services with a 98% customer satisfaction rate because our customers are at the heart of our philosophy.

Ukrainian To English Translation Services

In the global business industries, we understand with our Ukrainian to English translation services that many times a business transaction depends on timely document translations from Ukrainian. With our over 15 years of assisting businesses in global commerce, we know our customers can rely on us for accurate professional Ukrainian translation.

We also understand your meaning and know how vital it is to properly convey your brand to your target country. That’s why we find the best linguists using the most stringent hiring process, then continually monitor them for customer satisfaction and professionalism. Our customers are always first, and we seek complete customer satisfaction with every translation.

Our Ukrainian Translation Services

As a Ukrainian translation company, we’re proud to be involved in partnerships of so many diverse industries, and we translate over 120 languages and 950 language pairs. We’ve provided many important Ukrainian to English document translation services so that our Ukrainian business partners can conduct business safely.

In the many industries we serve such as law, science, and finance, the need for secure, accurate, and certified translation from Ukrainian to English is paramount. Attorneys in Ukraine need to know their important court documents are translated accurately, and that the language of the law in both countries is understood exactly as it is in the originating country.


In the world of finance, our best Ukrainian to English translators understand the laws, markets, and trends of new and evolving cryptocurrency sectors. Ukrainian traders require complicated financial documents to make sense to both languages involved in the transactions.

With our expert linguists and language team of over 20,000 vendors managing your project, you can rest assured your Ukrainian certified translations will be conveyed in the correct way every time.  Our certification process guarantees your documents will be accepted at any institution internationally.

Our Ukrainian translation apostille services are often utilized by our Ukrainian neighbors when financial documents must be presented at banks, trading houses, and insurance brokers such as in the crypto-insurance market.

As a translation agency in Ukraine, we’ve helped our financial customers solve document issues with our three  ISO certifications, so you can rest assured that your translation projects are up to standard all the time.

With our expedited services for same-day delivery of real-time translations, your financial documents will come to market on time and within budget. We’re proud to have translated trading spreadsheets, blockchain material, real estate deeds, to thousands of global customers.


See how we translate FINANCIAL DOCUMENTS

More About Document Translation And Language

For our translation services of documents from Ukrainian to English, our goal is to broaden your horizons. The Ukrainian language has many rich synonyms, for example, the word “horizon” that we just used has 12 synonyms.



Trivia About Ukrainian

For our linguists to provide Ukrainian translation services, they must understand all of the fine nuances of a language. The Ukrainian language is full of diminutive word forms and even the word ‘enemies’ has its own form. The most common letter in the Ukrainian alphabet is the letter ‘n.’ Here is some other interesting trivia about the language.

The Slavic Group

Although Russian is spoken in some parts of Ukraine, Russian is younger than Ukrainian and comes from the Ukrainian church speech (Church Slavonic) with a mixture of Tatar-Finnish.

The oldest mention of Ukrainian goes back to 858, and the first time it was brought to literary language was at the end of the 18th century after the publication of the first edition of the ‘Eneida’ in 1798, by Ivan Kotliarevskyi. He is considered the founder of the new Ukrainian literary language.

In genealogical classification, the Ukrainian language belongs to the East-Slavic subgroup of the Slavic group of the Indo-European language family. The closest language to Ukrainian is the Belarusian language, which has 84% of the general vocabulary.

The Most Widely Spoken Language

The Ukrainian language is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world, and according to speakers, it’s the 26th in the world. It is native to 37 million people and has a second language of 15 million.

Modern Ukrainian has three main dialects, northern, southwestern, and southwestern. Ukrainian has around 256 thousand words and it’s included in the list of languages that are still being developed today.

The first Ukrainian ABC book, “Азбука,” was printed in 1574 in Lviv by the printer Ivan Fedorov. Ukrainian has three forms of future tense, simple, compound, and complex. The future tense of the first person singular of an imperfect type in Ukrainian includes a different form without a prefix: «знатиму», «говоритиму», «робитиму», etc.

Commonly Translated Ukrainian Phrases

We often provide our Ukrainian document translations to help visitors to Ukraine know some of the most basic words and phrases. Here are some of them.

Хто…? (khto) — Who?

Що…? (scho) — What?

 Коли…? (ko-LY) — When?

Який…? (ja-kYj)/ Яка…? (fem.) (ja-kA) — Which?

 Де…? (de) — Where?

Як…? (jak) — How?

Вулиця (vU-ly-tsja) — Street

Вокзал (vok-zAL) — Railway station

Де це? (dE tse) — Where is it?

 Це далеко? (tse da-LE-ko) — Is it far from here?

 Туди чи сюди? (tu-dY chy sju-dY) — Is it this or that way?

 В яку сторону… (v jakU stO-ro-nu) — Which side…

Як пройти до… (jak proj-tY do) — How to go to…


Пошта (pO-shta) — Post office

Кафе (ka-fE) — Cafe

 Ресторан (re-sto-rAn) — Restaurant

 Ринок (rY-nok) – Market

 Супермаркет (su-per-mAr-ket) — Supermarket

 Музей (mu-zEj) — Museum

Лікарня (li-kAr-nja) — Hospital

Метро (me-trO) — Metro

Автобус (av-tO-bus) — Bus

Трамвай (tram-vAj) — Tramway

 Таксі (ta-ksI) — Taxi

 Чому…? (cho-mU) — Why?

 Скільки…? (skIL’-ky) — How much?

 Привіт! (pry-vIt) — Hello!]

Вітаю! (vi-tA-ju) — Greetings

 Доброго ранку! (dO-bro-ho rAn-ku) — Good morning!

Дозвольте представитися (do-zvOlʹ-te pred-stA-vy-ty-sja) — Let me introduce myself.

Мене звати… (me-nE zvA-ty) — My name is…

Як тебе звати? (jak te-bE zvA-ty) — What is your name?

Радий познайомитися! (rA-dyj po-zna-jO-my-ty-sja) — Nice to meet you!

Я з… (ja z…) — I’m from…

Звідки ти? (zvI-dky tY) — Where are you from?

Скільки тобі років? (skILʹ-ky to-bI rO-kiv) — How old are you?

 nI 25 rO-kiv) — I am 25. 

Де ти живеш? (dE tY zhy-v

Esh) — Where do you live?

 Дуже приємно! (dU-zhe pry-jEm-no) — Nice to meet you!

Я іноземець (ja i-no-zE-metsʹ) — I am a foreigner.

Доброго дня! (dO-bro-ho dnja) — Good afternoon!

Доброго вечора! (dO-bro-ho vE-cho-ra) — Good evening!

 Як ся маєш? (jak sjA mA-jesh) — How are you doing?

 Як справи? (jak sprA-vy) — How are you?

Добре, дякую! (dO-bre, djA-ku-ju) — I’m fine, thanks!

А в тебе? (a v tE-be) — And you?

Не дуже (ne dU-zhe)— So-so.

Contact Us for A Ukrainian Translator

With our Ukrainian translation services, we solve global issues by connecting nearly every industry to the world. With our 1-year guarantee, our expert translators will revise any discrepancies, so your documents are perfect every time.

We have over 15 years of experience in global expansion and we’re ready to help you reach an international audience today. With our 98% customer satisfaction rate you can be assured that we have you covered.

We translate 120 languages and 950 language pairs and serve nearly every industry. Are you ready for your global expansion? Why not contact us today. We’d love to discuss your goals and expectations. We can be reached anytime via chat, email, or phone. Call today.

Ready to get started?


What Our Clients Say

For 15 years, Tomedes has been a leading Ukrainian translation service provider. With exceptional customer service and 24/7 availability, clients receive prompt and personal attention. Reviews from Trustpilot and GoodFirms attest to our accurate translations and dedicated support. Discover our commitment to excellence today.

"Speedy return & reasonably priced"

A Translation Company well equipped with knowledge of hundred of different languages - speedy return & reasonably priced.

Katherine Lindsay

BBC Studios


"Tomedes has been nothing but kind, knowledgeable and efficient!"

Tomedes has been nothing but kind, knowledgeable and efficient!...Everything was seamless! I trusted Tomedes so much they're now working...with an even bigger project: interpreting a multi-language Zoom meeting!

Ashrena Ali

Carolina Herrera


"Tomedes is a high quality translation provider."

I am very satisfied with Tomedes's work ethic, organization, attention to detail, and customer support. They are quick to respond to feedback which was beneficial to the improvement of our localization program. We highly recommend Tomedes for localization projects in multiple languages.

Jorge Castro

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