Serbian Translation Services for Any Document Medium

Serbian translation services for any document medium and type. Translate and certify your documents to and from Serbian or 120 more languages. Our team of native Serbian translators have translated thousands of documents whether for official or professional use.

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Serbian Translation Services Are A Tomedes Specialty

Tomedes has been working with the best certified Serbian translators and interpreters in the industry for several years. For this reason, our Serbian English translation services have attracted thousands of international businesses and private clients, who repeatedly avail our services. Our Serbian translation services are for any projects needing translations in English, Serbian, and our other 120+ languages.


Serbian Translation Rates

The displayed prices are for English to Serbian translations only. The current translation rates from Serbian-to-English sit at $0.1 per word for standard service and $0.12 per word for fast delivery.

All listed rates pertain to Serbian human translation for 2024. Speak with one of our representatives to explore other language services and pricing options.

Best Price

$0.10 / word
*price may vary

✓ Most Budget-Friendly
✓ Swift Turnaround
✓ Quality Assured

Fast Delivery

$0.12 / word
*price may vary

✓ Urgent Translations
✓ Lightning-Fast Delivery
✓ Accelerated Quality

English To Serbian Translation

Our clients often need Serbian to English translation services whether they are involved with domestic Serbian industries or interested in expanding into the dynamic Serbian market as a multinational corporation. Furthermore, Tomedes also assists with Serbian companies seeking to expand outside of Europe and tap into dynamic Asian and American markets.


Our clients have enlisted Tomedes for help translating into and out of Serbian into most other languages in the world, including either major languages or local dialects. We can translate legal documents, diplomatic documents, or multimedia content from Serbian into English, Mandarin, Arabic, or Spanish.

Serbian To English Translation

English is fairly commonly spoken by Serbians worldwide, however that doesn’t mean Tomedes takes shortcuts in recruiting translators. We always go the extra mile pairing our clients with the best possible interpreters for their specific needs, as certain translators have more experience translating for different purposes.


Tomedes is detail-oriented in our hiring process, taking care to add translators to our roster who have extensive backgrounds in both the private and public sectors. When the time to broaden your horizons with Serbian translation arrives, our team is right there in your corner to support your linguistic goals.

Our Serbian Translation Services

Tomedes offers complete English Serbian translation services for every industry and business niche. Serbia is a fast-evolving market, and a prominent nation that is on track to join the European Union by 2025. This is why so many of our clients choose Tomedes to help explore the possibilities of trading with or doing business inside of Serbia. 


One interesting thing about Serbian translating and interpreting is that the Serbian language is digraphic, which means most Serbian native speakers can write their language in both the Cyrillic and Latin alphabets. For this reason, finding the right Serbian translator is very important when seeking to understand this diverse language.


Tomedes emphasizes that our translators bring a natural and humanistic aspect to their work, while also maintaining business-like professionalism. We are here to support you as you seek to take your business to the next level and expand globally.


Language conveys meaning and intention to the world, and Tomedes means quality -- but we don’t just stop with translation. Tomedes has a continually expanding roster listing over 20,000 vendors, linguists, localizers and interpreters, working in 120+ languages and 950+ language pairs. Serbian language and certified text document translation can be as easy as ever, with Tomedes by your side.

Serbian Translation Services For Professional Documents

Our team of native Serbian translators provides Serbian document translation services for businesses and private clients seeking Serbian language translation for documents in various fields, such as business, legal, and healthcare. Our native translators ensure that all our projects in Serbian translation services accurately convey the meaning of each message based on the Serbian culture and beliefs and its linguistic structure.




Tomedes has provided Serbian English Translation Services for the imports and exports of Serbia's businesses. Our native Serbian translators assist by ensuring that Serbian business translation services for documents related to trade operations, financial reports, and other business-related documents are properly translated in compliance with any foreign market. Our dedicated Serbian language translation team has all document files under end-to-end encryption.




For any business or private client seeking for English Serbian Translation Services, Tomedes’ translation team is accredited in providing Serbian legal translation services ensuring that your translated documents are in compliance with Serbian and other international court systems. We provide translation for a wide selection of legal documents, such as contracts, deeds and land title, licenses, articles of incorporation, etc.


See how we translate LEGAL DOCUMENTS

Serbian English Translation Services For Certified Documents

In 2017, an estimated 38,203 native Serbians living in the US. It has increased over the years, which is why Tomedes offers Serbian-certified translation services for those seeking to translate their document requirements for the USCIS and Visa application. The certified Serbian translation of documents includes marriage certificates, academic records, immigration applications, etc. Our certified translators ensure that your documents comply with USCIS and other US-based governing bodies who will evaluate your application to study, work, and live within the country.



Trivia About Serbian

This Serbo-Croatian language is not only the most commonly spoken tongue in Serbia. Serbian is also one of the three official languages of Bosnia and Herzogova, and it has co-official status in Montenegro and Kosovo.


Not only that, but Serbian is also a recognized minority language in Croatia, North Macedonia, Hungary, Slovakia, and even the Chezch Republic. This is why obtaining quality Serbian translation is so important, because the language opens doors to all corners of Eastern Europe.

What Else Is Unique About The Serbian Languages?

We mentioned earlier how Serbian is digraphic, written in two ancient alphabets, Cyrillic and Latin. But did you know Serbia is the only country in Europe with a primary language written as a digraphia? 


Serbian is also an Indo-European language, which means it is related at its roots to Hindi and Urdu. The similarities don’t end there, because there are other global digraphic written languages too that have Indo-European roots.

Hindustani, with an Urdu literary standard written in Arabic script is also digraphic, as well as a High Hindi standard written in Devanagari, which is another textbook example of two writing systems being used contemporaneously.

What Are Some Other Diagraphias Besides Serbian?

Digraphic writing is not limited to a minority of Indo-European language systems. No, another global language that is written in multiple and complex scripts is Japanese, which is written in, arguably, a whopping four different alphabets.


Tomedes is highly experienced with Serbian and Japanese translation, so rest-assured all this linguistic complexity is part of our job.

Commonly Translated Serbian Phrases

In this section we’ll delve into some common phrases translated from Serbian into English. We’ll include three written forms: the English phrase, the Romanized Serbian phrase, and the Cyrillic form.


Tomedes is language-obsessed, so we are always trying to spot patterns in languages, be they as similar as English and French or as dissimilar as Serbian and Japanese.


Can you spot any similarities?


“Welcome.” Добродошли (Dobrodošli!)


“Hello.” Здраво (Zdravo)


“How are you?” Како си? (Kako si?)


(Reply to “How are you?”) Добро сам, хвала. А ти? (Dobro sam, hvala. A ti?)


See any patterns yet?


We can see a few phonological and grammatical features that remind us of Latin languages such as Romanian, as well as one or two words that seem more related to Russian when spoken.


That’s the beauty of language -- at their roots, all languages are related, and all come from the same source.

Contact Tomedes For A Professional Serbian Language Translator

We are always on call to support your linguistic translation and interpretation needs, so don’t hesitate to reach out. We will reply immediately, whether you need assistance with language translating from English to Serbian, Serbian to English, or between nearly 1000 distinct language pairs. Communication can make the biggest difference even with technical writing, and certainly is a factor in State diplomacy as well as private sector business around the world. Tomedes can be your #1 growth partner, as you seek expansion into global markets, branching out and achieving new potential avenues of enterprise growth.

Ready to get started?


What Our Clients Say

For 15 years, Tomedes has been a leading Serbian translation service provider. With exceptional customer service and 24/7 availability, clients receive prompt and personal attention. Reviews from Trustpilot and GoodFirms attest to our accurate translations and dedicated support. Discover our commitment to excellence today.

"Speedy return & reasonably priced"

A Translation Company well equipped with knowledge of hundred of different languages - speedy return & reasonably priced.

Katherine Lindsay

BBC Studios


"Tomedes has been nothing but kind, knowledgeable and efficient!"

Tomedes has been nothing but kind, knowledgeable and efficient!...Everything was seamless! I trusted Tomedes so much they're now working...with an even bigger project: interpreting a multi-language Zoom meeting!

Ashrena Ali

Carolina Herrera


"Tomedes is a high quality translation provider."

I am very satisfied with Tomedes's work ethic, organization, attention to detail, and customer support. They are quick to respond to feedback which was beneficial to the improvement of our localization program. We highly recommend Tomedes for localization projects in multiple languages.

Jorge Castro

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