Looking for English to Albanian
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The Albanian language could be considered one of the most unique languages in Europe. Not because it is the most rare, or because it has the largest urban sprawl per-capita - but because it is the only surviving Indo-European language, and has it's own unique linguistic system with no close relatives. English to Albanian translation service cannot accurately be offered by every online translation service you come across. Tomedes, fortunately, is not every online translation service. Albanian natives inundated with UK or US culture and fluent English, in addition to having specialized or technical translation skills for specific industries - cannot be found at a dime a dozen, as with most Spanish or French translators.
The Shqip language, which is the proper Albanian term for their language, has survived, evolved, changed and progressed over many centuries, and despite its written form changing from Greek to Latin to Turkish-Arabic lettering. The two main dialects, Tosk and Gheg, must be taken into consideration for any Albanian language translation or localization project.
Albania is actively seeking to develop economically, with a focus in developing businesses in banking, information technology, trade, telecommunication and infrastructure, real estate and several other industries. Business professionals with Albanian partners, investments or those in cooperation with the AADTA (Albanian-American Development and Trade Association) need reliable Albanian translation services in order to communicate effectively, whether via web and electronic communication, or for business travel to country. Albanian translation may also be needed for communication or business documents with destinations in Kosovo, Macedonia and Montenegro, where Albanian (Shqip) is also widely spoken.