Business Translation Center

AI as a Creative Enabler: An Interview with Ofer Tirosh on the Future of Translation

by OFER TIROSH 17/10/2024

Artificial intelligence (AI) is changing the way the language industry works at an exponential rate. While many fear that AI might replace human translators in the near future, Ofer Tirosh, the CEO of Tomedes, thinks that technology will only make humans better at what they do, not replace them. 

In this exclusive interview, Ofer talks about his forward-thinking approach to AI. He explains how it allows translators more time to focus on creativity, strategy, and nuance. By combining AI-driven efficiency with human insight, Tomedes is setting a new standard for the translation industry—one where both technology and human talent can coexist and thrive together.

Interview with Ofer Tirosh, CEO of Tomedes

Q1: Ofer, AI has become a hot topic in the translation world, with many translators worried about their job security. How do you address these concerns?

Ofer Tirosh: It's natural for some translators to feel uncertain. The narrative around AI has often painted it as a replacement for human jobs. However, at Tomedes, we see it differently. AI is not the enemy—it’s a powerful ally. Instead of viewing AI as a competitor, we should think of it as a tool that makes translators more effective. AI can handle repetitive tasks, streamline workflows, and increase efficiency. But it can't replicate the creativity, nuance, and cultural sensitivity that human translators bring to the table. AI lets translators focus on the more strategic and creative parts of their work, which is where they really add value.

Q2: Can you give us an example of how AI is improving the work of translators today?

Ofer Tirosh: Yes, absolutely. Let's take the example of, which we developed at Tomedes. This online tool aggregates multiple AI translation engines and analyzes their output, and provides translators with the best options for a given project. Instead of spending time manually comparing results, translators can focus on refining the translations, ensuring accuracy, style, and tone. This not only saves time but also improves the quality of the final translation.

For freelance translators or in-house teams, this type of AI-powered tool takes the heavy lifting out of routine tasks, allowing them to concentrate on creative problem solving. AI helps streamline their work without compromising the human touch that's so critical in translation.

Q3: It sounds like you're positioning AI as an enhancer, not a replacement. How do you envision this balance between AI and human expertise evolving in the future?

Ofer Tirosh: I believe the future of translation lies in collaboration between humans and AI, not in one replacing the other. AI is incredibly efficient at processing vast amounts of data and can perform tasks like machine translation at a speed and scale humans can’t match. But where AI falls short is in its ability to understand context, cultural nuances, and the emotional depth that only a human can convey.

We’re developing AI-powered tools at Tomedes that not only automate repetitive tasks but also act as a starting point for translators. Our aim is for AI to take care of the "what," while human translators focus on the "how" and "why." This collaboration allows for more thoughtful translations that resonate with audiences globally, while still being time-efficient.

Q4: With AI becoming more advanced, what role do you see human creativity playing in the future of translation?

Ofer Tirosh: Human creativity is irreplaceable. While AI can generate translations that are technically correct, it lacks the creative instinct to adapt language to different contexts, cultures, or emotional tones. This is where human translators shine. They bring an intuitive understanding of subtleties—how to adapt marketing copy for different regions, how to ensure a legal document’s precision, or how to maintain the poetic rhythm of a literary work. AI can provide suggestions and handle repetitive aspects, but the final touches—those that make a translation truly resonate—require human creativity.

Our mission is to create tools that free up translators' time so they can focus on these creative aspects. We’re not asking translators to compete with machines; we’re giving them the freedom to do what they do best: create impactful, culturally relevant translations that machines simply can’t achieve on their own.

Q5: What would you say to freelance translators and LSPs who are still hesitant about adopting AI into their workflows?

Ofer Tirosh: I would encourage them to view AI as an investment in their future, not a threat. AI tools are designed to make their work easier and more efficient, not redundant. By adopting AI, freelance translators and LSPs can increase their productivity, take on more projects, and even elevate the quality of their work.

The Tomedes vision is to make AI accessible to everyone, whether they’re just starting to explore the technology or are already integrating it into their workflows. Our AI tools—whether it’s for machine translation, consistency checking, or post-editing—are all built with the goal of enhancing human expertise, not replacing it.

Freelance translators, in particular, can benefit from this technology. AI can help them compete in a fast-paced market by automating the more time-consuming tasks, giving them more time to focus on delivering high-quality translations that clients appreciate. For LSPs, AI offers a way to scale operations without sacrificing the quality that their clients rely on. It’s not about replacing translators; it’s about giving them the tools to do more, faster, and better.

Q6: What excites you the most about the future of human-AI collaboration in translation?

Ofer Tirosh: What excites me most is the potential for AI to completely transform the way we work while preserving the essence of what makes translation a human-centered profession. AI allows us to imagine a future where translators can push the boundaries of creativity and strategy, unencumbered by the repetitive and mundane aspects of their work. The role of the translator will evolve from one of execution to one of curation and creativity, with AI handling the mechanics and humans driving the artistry.

We’re not just talking about the future—Tomedes is building it. We’re developing a suite of AI tools designed to enhance human expertise and redefine how translation is done in today’s world. We want to empower translators, not replace them. And that’s the future I’m excited to be part of.

Q7: Tomedes has been at the forefront of developing AI tools for the translation industry. Could you tell us more about your approach to creating these tools and how they are designed to complement human translators?

Ofer Tirosh: The focus is always on solving real problems faced by translators and language service providers. When we developed platforms like and, we asked ourselves: “What challenges are translators encountering in their day-to-day work? Where are the bottlenecks, and how can technology alleviate them?” Our AI tools are designed to address these pain points—whether it's speeding up the translation process, improving consistency, or offering side-by-side comparisons of translation output from multiple engines.

For instance, the Tomedes Translation Consistency Checker helps translators ensure that terminology is used uniformly throughout a document, something that’s particularly crucial in industries like law or healthcare. But we didn’t stop at automation. Every tool we create is designed to leave space for human refinement. The machine handles the repetitive tasks, but human translators guide the final output. It’s this hybrid approach that makes our tools not just effective, but empowering.

Q8: You've mentioned how important it is to give translators more freedom to focus on creativity. Could you explain how Tomedes’ tools enable this shift from technical tasks to more creative ones?

Ofer Tirosh: Absolutely. The reality is that a lot of translation work can be repetitive—especially in fields like legal or technical translation, where precision is paramount. By developing tools that automate much of the technical groundwork, such as sentence structure, vocabulary selection, and even grammar checking, we’re freeing up translators to spend their time on what truly requires a human touch.

For example, the Translation Quality Assurance Tool allows the translator to ensure that the translation is not only accurate but also consistent in terms of fluency, terminology, and style. The tool highlights areas for improvement, allowing the translator to focus on refining the text and perfecting the final output. At this point, their role shifts from technical translator to editor and creative strategist, ensuring that the translation not only meets the technical requirements but also resonates with the intended audience. This allows translators to concentrate on tone, voice, and nuance—elements that only a human can perfect. That’s the power of AI.

Q9: Tomedes has launched a number of AI-driven platforms recently. What inspired this investment in AI, and how do these tools reflect the company's broader vision for the future?

Ofer Tirosh: The decision to invest heavily in AI was driven by a few factors. First, we saw the massive improvements in machine translation over the past few years, thanks to advances in AI and neural networks. These improvements inspired us to rethink how technology could be integrated more deeply into the translation process, not just as a tool for automation, but as an essential part of the workflow.

Our vision at Tomedes is to make AI accessible to everyone, from freelance translators to large enterprises. That’s why we’ve developed a suite of AI-assisted online translation platforms, including,, and These tools are designed to democratize access to AI, so that even a solo freelancer can leverage the same powerful technology as a large company. It’s all part of our mission to lead the AI revolution in a way that benefits both translators and the clients they serve.

Q10: Tomedes has emphasized the importance of blending human expertise with AI. How do you ensure that your AI tools preserve the human element that’s so essential in translation?

Ofer Tirosh: This is a great question because it gets to the heart of our philosophy at Tomedes. Translation is fundamentally a human endeavor—it’s about conveying meaning, emotion, and context from one language to another. No machine, no matter how advanced, can fully replicate that. What we’ve done with our AI tools is to ensure that they act as collaborators, not replacements.

The final review always falls to a human translator. We’re making it easier for translators to apply their expertise where it matters most—on the parts of the translation that require nuance, creativity, and deep cultural understanding. In this way, we’re preserving the human element while also pushing the boundaries of what AI can do to support that expertise.

Conclusion: AI and Humans Thriving Together

As Ofer Tirosh points out, the future of translation is not about competition between humans and machines; it's about collaboration. If translators accept AI as a tool, they can focus on creativity and strategy while AI takes care of the repetitive tasks. Tomedes is at the forefront of developing AI tools that let humans do what they do best, making the future of translation one where both can succeed.