CATEGORY /Translation services
06/03/2019It can be hard to know where to start when you have a video that needs translating. We've broken down what you need to do and who you need to do it.
Read More3 mins readCATEGORY /Translation news
27/02/2019AI just set its sights seriously on content writing. Does this bode well for the future or is it time to worry?
Read More3 mins readCATEGORY /Marketing
20/02/2019If you're planning a viral video campaign, it's essential to consider the language, translation and globalization elements during the planning stage.
Read More3 mins readCATEGORY /Translation services
13/02/2019So you're on a deadline and your machine translation hasn't worked out well. Don't panic - you can fix it with post-editing machine translation!
Read More3 mins readCATEGORY /Finance
06/02/2019Keeping your translation clients and your team of translators happy while increasing your company income is a skilled art. Here's how to go about it.
Read More3 mins readCATEGORY /Freelancing
30/01/2019Finding a freelance translation professional can be tough. Here are five of the best platforms to get you started.
Read More5 mins readCATEGORY /Marketing
23/01/20192019 is going to be a busy year for small businesses around the world. As such, we've taken a look at some of the global trends for the year ahead.
Read More4 mins readCATEGORY /Translation services
16/01/2019You and your company deserve the best translation services on the market. So how can you ensure that the best is what you get?
Read More3 mins readCATEGORY /Marketing
09/01/2019If you only use LinkedIn in one language, you're missing a trick. Here's how to translate your LinkedIn profile - and why doing so is important.
Read More3 mins readCATEGORY /Marketing
02/01/2019Helpful tips and pointers on creating the right digital marketing strategy, for translation companies looking to succeed around the globe in 2019.
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